DINO v2: Match and transfer features across domains and understand relations between similar parts of different objects

"DINOv2: Learning Robust Visual Features without Supervision" - Research Paper Explained
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MetaAI DINOv2 is a foundation model for computer vision. DINOv2 paper shows that existing pretraining methods, especially self-supervised methods, can produce all purpose visual features, (i.e., features that work across image distributions and tasks without finetuning) if trained on enough curated data from diverse sources. It turns out that the approach of DINOv2 can match patch-level features between images from different domains, poses and even objects that share similar semantic information. This exhibits the ability of DINO v2 model to transfer across domains and understand relations between similar parts of different objects. The Meta shows its strengths and wants to combine DINOv2 with large language models.

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Masked autoencoder (MAE) for visual representation learning. Form the author of ResNet.

"Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners" - Research Paper Explained
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MAE is a simple autoencoding approach that reconstructs the original signal - image - given its partial observation. Thanks to successful introduction of patching approach in ViT it has become more feasible for CV as an alternative to convnets. The MEA paper use the ViT's patch-based approach to replicate masking strategy (similarly to BERT) for image patches. MAE randomly samples (without replacement) uniformly distributed and non-overlapping patches regularly created from image. MAE learns very high-capacity models that generalize well. Thanks to very high masking ratio (e.g., 75%) authors were able to reduce the training time by >3x while at the same time reducing the memory consumption thus, enabling the MAE to scale better for large models, like ViT-Large/-Huge on ImageNet-1K with 87.8% accuracy.

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MLP-Mixer: MLP is all you need... again? ...

"MLP-Mixer: An all-MLP Architecture for Vision" - Research Paper Explained
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Let's try to answer the question: is it enough to have the FFN MLP, with matrix multiplication routines and scalar non-linearities to compete with modern architectures such as ViT or CNNs? No need for convolution, attention? It sounds that we have been here in the past. However, does it mean that the researchers are lost and go rounding in circles? It turns out that what has changes along the way is the increase in the scale of the resources and the data which originally helped ML and especially DL flourish past 5-7 years ago. We will discuss the paper which proves that MLP based solutions can replace CNN and attention based Transformers with comparable scores at image classification benchmarks and at pre-training/inference costs similar to SOTA models.

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DINO: Improving supervised ViT with richer learning signal from self-supervision

"Emerging Properties in Self-Supervised Vision Transformers" - Research Paper Explained
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Self-DIstillation with NO labels (DINO) is a self-supervised method based on Vision Transformer (ViT) from Facebook AI with the ability to learn representation from unlabeled data. The architecture is able to learn automatically class-specific features, allowing the unsupervised object segmentation. The paper claims that the self-supervised methods adapted to ViT not only works very well, but one can also observe that the self-supervised ViT features contain explicit semantic segmentation information of an image, which is not that clear in case of supervised ViT, nor with convnets. The benefit of such observation is that such features are also very good k-NN classifiers. The performance results are reported to be highly dependent on two SSL approaches: the momentum teacher and multicrop training. In this blog post we will explain the details on what DINO is all about.

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